Via @X_Cli (qui me fait l'honneur de me rectifier dans les commentaires), et ça date de Juin dernier, mais ça sera dommage de ne pas les ressortir. Surtout vue le casting absolument incroyable de personnes qui répondaient à ce flux. Personne n'a songé à les regrouper, sinon moi. Désolé.

Accrochez-vous à la vanne, car on parle de définition intrinsèque de protocole réseau.

Twitter, c'est l'art de la blague très courte, mais cryptique.

The great thing about TCP jokes is that you always get them.
(contrairement au protocole UDP)
The great thing about ICMP error jokes is that nobody can ever reply to them.
The great thing about ARP jokes is that they're unauthenticated.
The great thing about fragmentation jokes is
The great thing about IP Checksum jokes is all the compliments. #werenumberone #werenumberone
The great thing about UDPLite jokes is the <>#FF:;\**JLgah delivery
@dakami The bad thing about reliable multicast jokes is that you're asked to repeat them.
(parce que vous allez les renvoyer à tout le monde)
@dakami What's the best thing about callback jokes? When you figure it out, let me know.
@dakami What makes RSA jokes so funny is no secret. #toosoon
(relire mon billet sur les SSL)
@dakami the great thing about BGP jokes is that they cross boundaries.
@dakami The great thing about DNS jokes is that they work on so many levels
@dakami I'm not going to tell you my SNMP joke, it's Private.
@dakami The only problem with IPv4 jokes is there aren't enough of them.
(d'où le passage en IPv6)
@dakami I tried to tell an IPV6 joke, but there was no one willing to listen.
(parce que tout le monde est encore en IPv4)
The great thing about HTML jokes is that you're never quite sure when they end. #protolol
(la plupart des serveurs web n'annoncent pas la taille du document HTML qu'ils vont vous envoyer...)
@dakami But at least everyone GETs HTTP.
(...mais vous avez forcément commencé le dialogue par un HTTP)
There's like 20 other jokes behind my NAT joke.
(c'est ce que l'on appelle de la translation d'adresse)
@quinnnorton The best thing about tautology jokes is the best thing about tautology jokes.
@dakami The great thing about XML jokes is all the extra details having nothing to do with the actual joke. #protolol
(certains documents XMl sont farcis de balisables, déclarations, attributs superflus)
The great thing about Java jokes is waiting for them to begin.
(Java tourne dans une machine virtuelle qui peut mettre un temps fou à démarrer)
@dakami the great thing about autoexec.bat jokes is that they're good openers
(Dans MS-DOS, ils se lancent au démarrage)
@dakami The punchline great thing is the about is threading jokes.
RT @CharlieSheen The best part of spoofed jokes is this. #winning #protolol
@dakami The bad thing about spam bot jokes is that everyone gets them, even if they don't want to.
@dakami What's the best thing about callback jokes? When you figure it out, let me know.
@dakami The great thing about about asynchronous jokes is...
The problem with header injection jokes is the problem with content injection jokes is you can't parse them. #protolol
I had an Ethernet joke, but somebody else told it at the same time. So I exponentially backed off and tried again. #protolol
The problem with token ring jokes is you need to wait your turn to laugh #protolol
The great thing about antivirus jokes is you only need to change them a little and they're funny again.
@dakami Unless its a joke about Heuristics... ;-)
(une petite erreur dans une définition de virus peut mettre vous foutre en l'air une install complète !)
@KippiHax in which case the joke doesn't even need to be funny
@dakami I was going to pop off a random joke about Debian's security, but I felt it was too predictable. #toobscure?
(sous entendus : vils trolleurs)
The great thing about Active FTP jokes is that they tell you.
@Endareth AOL Jokes are so funny, no wonder they're number 1 #protolol
@dakami And WU-FTP jokes are nearly as easy to get into as sendmail ones! #protolol
@0xabad1dea As Ilja would say, the best part of WU-FTPD jokes is that they're an example of all possible jokes at once #protolol
@vyrus001 The great thing about Flash VM jokes is that they're not entirely documented, now are they #protolol
The great thing about integer overflow jokes is that GCC doesn't think they're funny. #protolol
(GCC n'arrivait pas à détecter les éventuels erreurs de débordement d'entiers)